Page 4 - 2023 Brochure
P. 4
& Value
Our aim is to give people the best rail holiday
possible in terms of quality of content and
value for money so please read our tour
itineraries in detail to fully appreciate the level
of planning involved and the extent to which
we try and achieve the perfect mix of travel,
railways, leisure, culture and substance in every
escorted tour we run.
Planning & Passion
Our established and dedicated team of tour Steam Dining Room © Roger Elkin
consultants go to great lengths to ensure the rail
tours they create fulfil all expectations.
Travel – all travel is planned meticulously to
optimise the time available without inconveniencing Award Winning
the traveller – our rail holidays are journeys for
pleasure and leisure. Travel Company
Hotels – we select hotels based on familiarity,
location and facilities. We work closely with
selected hotels, most of which are centrally
located in cities and towns offering easy access to
local transport and sightseeing. Our Booking Service Quality
When you decide to book a holiday with us
As a member of AITO (Association of
Itinerary – our tour consultants are passionate you have the comfort of knowing you will be Independent Tour Operators) we work with
about travel, railways and culture. Every element of dealing with the same person throughout the other holiday companies, who have a shared
a tour is carefully considered to ensure it is relevant, whole booking process. Our tour consultants concern for quality and personal service, to
of interest, feasible and adds value to the holiday. are given designated tours to manage which strive to create UK and overseas holidays with
means they will be responsible for providing key high levels of professionalism. The Association
information, dealing with any additional requests encourages the highest standards in all aspects of
Value from travellers as well as liaising with all suppliers. tour operating. We actively seek feedback from all
The prices of our tours reflect the standard From the moment you call us, email us or send those who travel with us and this information is
of service we provide. As a small company we us a completed booking form the Ffestiniog Travel used to ensure we continue to maintain a quality
listen to our customers and adapt to varying consultant will remain the same. We are always product and service.
holiday requests where possible. Here are a keen to deal direct with customers and actively
few components that have become established encourage people to telephone and email us.
features of our tours: Our response time is efficient and regularly
■ Travel passes used for most Swiss Grand and monitored. Financial Protection
Connoisseur tours giving free unlimited As an AITO member, holding an ATOL licence, we
travel whilst in Switzerland provide a level of security and financial protection
■ InterRail passes are used for most European to give our customers extra peace of mind when
tours giving free unlimited travel for the Tour Leaders travelling with us. An AITO member is required
duration of the holiday When our tours depart, the job of the Ffestiniog to arrange financial protection for all holidays and
■ Average tour group size is 16 people Travel tour leader becomes paramount. Their other arrangements (including accommodation
■ Flexibility to create add-ons to existing tours responsibilities are primarily to look after the well- only) booked by customers. This financial
as per customer’s specifications being of the group and to take customers safely protection applies to customers who are resident
■ Availability to upgrade flights and rail journeys and efficiently from A to B. Our tour leaders also in the UK at the time of booking and to overseas
within a tour (where possible) add value to the holiday by helping make the best customers who have booked directly with us. In
■ Dedicated consultant throughout the use of any free time. They adapt to each group doing so, we must comply with UK government
duration of an escorted or tailor-made of travellers according to its needs so will not regulations and are required to submit details of
holiday booking automatically provide a running commentary, nor our financial protection arrangements to AITO
■ Option to change mode of departure intrude on travellers’ privacy and will be happy on a regular basis. For more information please
transport (rail or flight) when possible to melt away if individuals prefer to do their
■ No regimented group meals. Tours are see Booking Condition no. 16
generally B&B basis giving flexibility to ‘do own thing. In a nutshell, our customers can have
your own thing’ if you want to. Meals are a private holiday within the security of a group.
included where there is a lack of restaurants That’s the “Ffestiniog” way of doing things which is
or due to a late arrival. perhaps different from other companies.