Page 56 - 2023 Brochure
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Small & Traditional  Visit a selection of countries that still remain untouched by large scale tourism and discover remote areas, true nature, rich culture and wonderful

                           Small & Traditional Tours

       history with the services of a knowledgeable local guide. All tours in our S&T range are limited to a maximum of 20 persons and, in many cases
                            much less, affording maximum personal attention, flexibility and ability to avoid crowds.

     Milies Narrow Gauge Railway

      Greece - Mountains & Myths

      Wednesday 3 May to Monday 15 May 2023

      A comprehensive tour to the Greek mainland which, in true “Small and Traditional” style, includes rural village hospitality. In addition to visiting several
      of Greece’s famous historic sites we will, of course, enjoy some scenic rail travel.

      Day 1 - Flight to Thessaloniki       Day 4 - Pelion Railway               Day 6 - Gorgopotamus Bridge
      Flight from London to Thessaloniki, Greece’s major  Millies is served by a diesel-hauled narrow gauge  Before  leaving  the  area,  we  learn  about  the
      northern port. Overnight hotel stay.  railway  which  operates  just  once  a  day  from Ano  Gorgopotamus Bridge, destroyed by the resistance
                                           Lehonia on the coast. This morning we ride the train  on 25 November 1942 to thwart German occupiers’
      Day 2 - Thessaloniki & Kalambaka     through some spectacular scenery arriving back into  attempts to supply Rommel’s North African army.
      A short city tour using our private coach will include   Millies in time for lunch at our guest house and with  The bridge was rebuilt after the war but the line is
      the ancient citadel on the hill overlooking the city and   time to explore this delightful village before taking  now only used for occasional excursion trains. Later
      coastline. We then drive south to Kalambaka with a   the return train to Ano Lehonia.   we take the mountain road to Itea, a small resort on
      lunch stop en route.                                                      the Gulf of Corinth for a 2-night stay.
                                           Day 5 - Ypati
      Day 3 - Meteora Monasteries          Drive via Lamia into the mountains of Central  Day 7 - Delphi & Galaxidi
      Kalambaka sits at the feet of gigantic sandstone and   Greece to the small village resort of Ypati, nestled at  Morning  visit  to  Delphi,  the  famous  religious  site
      conglomerate  pillars,  each  over  1000ft  high  and   the foot of Mount Oita and gateway to the national  dedicated to the Greek god,  Apollo, in the 8th
      on top of which are perched six monasteries. The   park. Here we are made very welcome with an  Century BC. In the afternoon, we return to the coast
      whole area is now a UNESCO  World  Heritage   evening meal and entertainment provided by a local  and  the  small  fishing  resort  of  Galaxidi. The  town
      Site. Amazingly there are access routes for coaches,   restaurant         has a long seafaring tradition, being accessible only
      and we visit two before continuing our journey to                         by  boat  until  the  1960s.  Nowadays  the  attractive
      the coast at Volos and the small mountain village of                      seafront is home to numerous classy fish restaurants
      Millies on the Pelion Peninsula for a 2-night stay.                       serving the daily local catch.

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