Page 58 - 2023 Brochure
P. 58

Small & Traditional

     Albanian Coastline

      Albanian Odyssey

      Monday 8 May to Monday 22 May 2023

      Albania is a part of Europe rarely visited by most Europeans. Apart from Tirana and the narrow coastal belt, it is mountainous and sparsely
      populated yet has a rich and varied history. Above all, its people are friendly and welcoming – after years of isolation they really appreciate our visit.

      Day 1- London to Tirana              Day 3 - Korcë                        Day 5 - Gjirokastra
      Afternoon direct flight from London for an evening  There  is  time  for  a  stroll  in  the  village  before  the  Morning drive to Gjirokastra for a 2-night stay.
      arrival in Tirana, capital of Albania. Transfer to our city  short drive to nearby Korcë, a bustling cathedral city  Birthplace of Enver Hoxha, the town is built on two
      centre hotel.                        which owes its existence to its proximity to both  levels, the upper level of which includes the old city
                                           North Macedonia and Greece. Return to Voskopojë  with its pre-Ottoman citadel affording striking views
      Day 2 - Lake Ohrid and Voskopojë     for overnight.                       of the Drino River below. We visit the citadel, once a
      A short walking tour of the Tirana highlights includes                    political prison but now a weapons museum.
      the clock tower, the Palace of Culture and the Bunk’  Day 4 - South to Permet
      Art 2 Museum dedicated to the memory of the tens  The  mountains  are  spectacular  as  we  drive  along  Day 6 - Sarandë, Butrint & Beautiful Coastline
      of thousands who were imprisoned and persecuted  minor roads towards our next destination. We have  Drive via the Blue Eye fresh water spring to the lovely
      during the communist regime. Drive to Durrës and  lunch at the Farma Sotira bio fish farm and pass close  coastal town of Sarandë and the UNESCO World
      then train to Elbasan in Albania’s central mountains.  to the Greek border before arriving at the spa town  Heritage archaeological site at Butrint, originally
      Finally, by road to beautiful Lake Ohrid and the tiny  of Permet. Dinner at a local restaurant.  settled by the Ancient Greeks.
      village of Voskopojë where a late evening meal awaits.

     Gjirokaster, Albania © Andrew Marshall  Shkodër, Albania - konfederatik - shutterstock

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