Page 41 - 2023 Brochure
P. 41
16 Days From £2,750pp
■ Return travel on the Vulkan Express
■ Wutachtalbahn journey with shadow-bus for
photo opportunities
■ Return trip on the Kandertalbahn CONNOISSEUR TOURS
■ Entry to Nuremberg Railway Museum
■ Visit to Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg Railway Museum
■ 3 day Harz Rover ticket for unlimited travel on
Harzer Schmalspurbahnen
■ Return travel on the Molli Bahn
■ Return travel on the Rasender Roland
Wutachtal Bridges SELECTED HOTELS
Freiburg InterCityHotel
Nuremberg InterCityHotel
Day 6 - Nuremberg Day 12 - To Rostock
A mid-morning train to Karlsruhe where we board Morning regional service to Hannover where we Wernigerode Weisser Hirsch
an InterCity train to Nuremberg. Our hotel for the change to an InterCity service to the city of Rostock, Rostock InterCityHotel
next 3 nights is located adjacent to the station. located on the Baltic Coast. Our hotel for the next 3 Essen InterCityHotel
nights is found adjacent to the railway station. Please note - hotel can be subject to change
Day 7 - Nuremberg at Leisure
Free day to explore Nuremberg including its Railway Day 13 - Molli PRICE INCLUDES
Museum which is a short walk from the hotel A short journey brings us to Bad Doberan, the ■ Standard class rail
and where InterRail Pass holders gain free entry. home of a steam railway affectionately known as ■ 15 day in 1 month Global InterRail Pass
Alternatively you may wish to simply wander around the Molli. The line runs to the coastal resort of Bad ■ Travel from your home station to London Pre/Post
this historic medieval city. Kühlungsborn and its steam train famously runs tour for UK residents * conditions apply
through the streets of Bad Doberan just inches ■ All excursions as stated
Day 8 - Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg Railway Museum from pavement restaurants! The afternoon is free to ■ Accommodation in good quality hotels on a
We have an excursion today to Neuenmarkt- return to Rostock at your leisure. bed and breakfast basis
Wirsberg, which was famous for the steep Schiefe ■ Services of a tour leader from London and
Ebene during the German steam era and is now the Day 14 - The Island of Rügen throughout the tour
home of one of Germany’s best railway museums. The Baltic Sea is a popular seaside resort in Germany
Virtually all the classes of engine in use at the end of and the isle of Rügen is a particular favourite Price per person:
the German steam era are represented plus some destination. Its narrow gauge railway known as the Escorted holiday £2,750
vintage electric and diesel locos. The museum is in Rasender Roland is an important tourist attraction Single room supplement £605
the old roundhouse loco shed which still retains the and we ride the line for its entire length before Deposit for this holiday £100
feel of a working depot. returning to Rostock.
Day 9 - Wernigerode Day 15 - Essen
Today we head north via Naumburg and Halle to After breakfast we travel west to Essen for our final
Wernigerode for a 3-night stay. We take a short night. Arriving mid-afternoon gives those who wish,
transfer from the station to our hotel which is located the opportunity to travel the 40 minute journey to
across the market square from the picturesque town Wuppertal to ride the Schwebebahn.
Day 16 - Auf Wiedersehen
Days 10 & 11 - Explore the Harz Narrow We travel to Cologne to catch the International ICE
Gauge Railway service to Brussels and then Eurostar to London,
The Harz Narrow Gauge Railway (HSB) is by far arriving mid-afternoon.
the largest of the lines we visit, with a network of
over 100km from Wernigerode in the northwest to
Nordhausen in the south and the UNESCO World
Heritage town of Quedlinburg in the east. We have a
Harz Rover ticket for unlimited travel and your tour
leader will devise two full day excursions covering as
much of the network as possible including an ascent
of the Brocken line (a “must do” on a clear day). The
Brocken was a look out and “listening” post in Soviet
days due to its commanding views across the west Neuenmarkt Wirsberg
and today there is a museum at the summit telling
the story of its role in the Cold War period. C
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