Page 43 - 2023 Brochure
P. 43


                                                                                 11 Days From £4,070pp

                                                                                 HOLIDAY HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                 ■  Visit Niagara Falls in a winter setting
                                                                                 ■  Full journey on The Canadian train from Toronto
                                                                                   to Vancouver in Sleeper Plus accommodation
                                                                                 ■  Cross the Rockies during daylight hours  GRAND  TOURS
                                                                               The Canadian at Tete Juane ©  Via Rail  ■  Comfortable first class hotels
                                                                                 ■  Free time to explore Toronto and Vancouver

                                                                                 SELECTED HOTELS
                                                                                         Fairmont Royal York Hotel
                                                                                 Vancouver  Georgian Court Hotel
      Day 6 - The Prairies                 Day 10 - Homeward Bound               Please note - hotels can be subject to change
      Shortly after breakfast the train reaches the service  We have more free time for last minute shopping
      stop at Saskatoon. In warmer weather this is rich  or sightseeing before our early evening flight. False   PRICE INCLUDES
      farming country and you may have already spotted  Creek with its boutique shopping is worth a visit or,   ■  Flights in Economy Class by scheduled airline
      small settlements with their ubiquitous grain  for those who prefer long walks, Stanley Park is a   ■  Accommodation in good quality hotels on a
      elevators alongside the track. It will be late evening  “must” with its natural forest, beautiful beaches and     room only basis
      before we arrive at the modern city of Edmonton, its  amazing sea wall.    ■  All rail travel as stated
      size and prosperity due to the discovery of oil nearby.                    ■  Accommodation on The Canadian train in Sleeper
                                           Day 11 - Arrive London                  Plus class with use of lounge and dome cars and
      Day 7 - The Rocky Mountains          Late morning arrival in London.         all meals included
      We reach the Rockies before daybreak and there is                          ■  Airport transfers plus station to hotel transfer in
                                                                                   Vancouver (Toronto station is opposite the hotel)
      a 3 hour service stop at Jasper – another chance to  A word about the climate – All hotels and trains are fully   ■  Services of a tour leader from London and
      explore. Then continue over the Yellowhead Pass and  heated and air-conditioned and you will not be exposed     throughout the tour
      past Mount Robson, the highest peak in the Canadian  to  harsh  or  unpleasant  extremes  of  temperature.
      Rockies.                             Sensible  warm  clothing  including  gloves,  scarf  and   Price per person:
                                           hat is all that is necessary for a most enjoyable and   Escorted holiday   £4,070
      Day 8 - Vancouver
      Early morning arrival in Vancouver for a 2-night stay.   comfortable holiday. All participants will be fully briefed   Single room supplement   £445
      After checking in to our hotel, the afternoon is free   well before departure.   Deposit for this holiday   £200
      and the mild West Coast climate makes a pleasant
      change from the harsh winter of the interior. Discover
      Granville Island with its art galleries, theatres, cafes
      and fresh produce market or visit one of the city’s
      fantastic museums.

      Day 9 - At Leisure in Vancouver
      A completely free day to explore the city and
      surroundings. A day pass is available for all the city
      public transport in the whole Greater Vancouver
      area including the Skytrain system and the Seabus                        The Canadian in Winter ©  VIA Rail
      (ferry) across to North Vancouver for superb views
      of the city skyline.
                                                                                                                     Dining Car on the Canadian ©  Via Rail

                                                                               Vancouver in Winter © Chris Howey - shutterstock

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