Page 42 - 2023 Brochure
P. 42

Europe  World


    Train curve at Canadian Rockies in winter  saraporn-shutterstock.jpg

      Canada in the Snow

      Sunday 5 February to Wednesday 15 February 2023

      Canada in winter is every bit as beautiful as summer but very, very different. Memories of a frozen Niagara Falls, an early morning sunrise reflecting
      off the snow covered Prairies at 20 degrees below and the Rockies with their winter mantle will stay with you forever. Travel in style on VIA Rail’s
      famous Canadian train and stay at top quality hotels.

      Day 1 - Our Adventure Begins         Day 4 - The Canadian                 Day 5 - Relax & Enjoy
      Scheduled flight from London Heathrow to Toronto.  Morning departure on The Canadian in comfortable   Today you awake to the frozen muskeg of the
      On arrival, we take the UP Express into the centre  Sleeper Plus  accommodation.  The  well-appointed   Northern Ontario Forest and will ponder on the
      of the city. This airport rail link began operation in  train has  dome  and lounge  observation  cars,  as   hardships endured by the pioneers who built this
      2015 and transports us to Union Station in a reliable  well as a full dining car and, of course, your private   trans-continental  railway.  Occasional  service  stops
      25 minutes. Stay 3 nights at the fabulous Fairmont  bedroom. Free hot coffee on tap adds a nice touch   give you an opportunity to stretch your legs but you
      Royal York Hotel in downtown Toronto opposite the  whilst all meals on this train are included in the cost   may not want to leave your air conditioned warmth
      railway station.                     of your fare.                        for long! We arrive in Winnipeg mid-evening.
      Day 2 - Explore Toronto
      Taking the elevator to the top of the famous CN
      Tower or spending a few hours at the interactive
      Science  Centre  are  just  two  of  the  ways  to  relax
      in this bustling city. If you prefer being outdoors, ice
      skating is a popular winter pastime here and there
      are around 50 outdoor rinks throughout the city.
      Hire some skates and join in or stay ring-side and
      enjoy a hot cocoa.
      Day 3 - Niagara Under Ice
      Full day excursion by train to Niagara Falls. The
      clinging spray blankets nearby trees and rocks with
      ice – we guarantee that you have never seen a
      spectacle quite like this. Why not take the optional
      self-guided ‘Journey Behind the Falls’ for a close-up
      view of this natural wonder? Return to Toronto this
      evening.                            Niagara Falls in Winter

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