Page 46 - 2023 Brochure
P. 46

Europe  World


                                                                                                                     Hejaz Railway at Wadi Rum © Andreas Wolochow - shutterstock

     Jordan: Steam, Petra & the Dead Sea

     Monday 9 October to Tuesday 17 October 2023

     Often referred to as the ‘Switzerland of the Middle East’, Jordan welcomes travellers from around the world to explore its long history and ancient
     cities and landmarks. Enjoy steam journeys on the Hejaz Railway and see the wonders of Petra, Jerash and Madaba.

      Day 1 - Fly to Amman                 the finest Byzantine-era mosaics in the World. The  Al Jizzah. From here, we continue by bus to Kerak
      Fly direct  from  London  Heathrow to Queen Alia  whole  archaeological  area,  known  as  Um  er-Rasas,  Castle.  This  ancient  Crusader  stronghold  (which
      Airport. There will be assistance with customs and  is  a  UNESCO World  Heritage  Site. A  short  9km  became a Mamluk fortress), dates back to the 12th
      immigration procedures (including Visas) followed by  journey takes us to Mount Nebo, home to the Moses  Century and dominates the skyline of the city below.
      a transfer to our hotel for a 2-night stay.   Memorial Church which boasts sweeping views of  We continue to Petra for a 2-night stay.
                                           the Dead Sea, Israel and the Palestinian territories
      Day 2 - Jerash, Madaba & Mount Nebo  beyond.                              Day 4 - The “Rose City”
      We drive through pine forests and olive groves to                         Full day trip to the famous Ancient City of Petra,
      the Greco-Roman city of Jerash. Enjoy a guided tour  Day 3 - Steam Charter South  one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and a
      of the  colonnaded street,  the hippodrome  which  Only  two  sections  of  the  Hejaz  Railway  (originally  UNESCO World Heritage Site.  We journey through
      hosted chariot races in front of 15,000 spectators,  planned to link Constantinople with Mecca) are still  the 1.2km Siq (or canyon) either on foot or on
      the Temple of Zeus (built around 162 AD) and the  operable, and both are found in Jordan. Begin the day  horseback (optional) which snakes its way towards
      vast Roman Forum. In the afternoon, continue to the  with a workshop tour before we charter our first  the hidden city. Dating back to around 300 BC, the
      market town of Madaba which is home to some of  steam train on the mainline south from Amman to  site  contains  tombs and  temples  carved  into the

                                                             Amman, Jordan

     41     Over 45 Years of Unforgettable Rail Journeys
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