Page 69 - 2023 Brochure
P. 69

Tailored Rail Tours Europe

                                          Prague Bridges

      GOLDEN WEDDING ROMANTIC RAIL                                             Bernina Express © Badrutt  San Sebastian - Spain
      We created a special 2-week romantic rail holiday                         GREEN HILLS OF SPAIN
      to mark a Golden Wedding celebration with stays in
      Prague, Budapest and Vienna. From the home railway   FIRST CLASS RAIL TOUR TO  This tailored rail holiday is adapted from one of our
      station, via Eurostar to Brussels, for an overnight stay   SWITZERLAND    popular  escorted  tours  and  can  be  done  entirely
      and on to Frankfurt. Next day by train to Prague for   Experience Switzerland’s wonderful scenery and its  by train. It is a wonderful way to see this beautiful
      a 4-day stay at the Mamaison Residence Downtown   famous rail journeys in style over a leisurely 8 days.  part of Spain and its stunning beaches. Combine the
      Prague, just 500 yards from  Wenceslas Square.     Combine stays in Paris, Zürich, Chur and Cologne to  most scenic railway journeys of the “Green” coast
      Three full days at leisure in Prague with a 3-day   make this a relaxed European rail trip. An overnight  of northern Spain with its vibrant cities including
      public transport and Prague Card for sightseeing and   stay  in Paris,  following a Eurostar  journey,  allows  rail travel on many metre gauge lines and time to
      unlimited travel on the metro, trams and buses.  Visit   time to enjoy an evening in the French capital and  explore Bilbao, Leon and Santiago de Compostela.
      Prague Castle, the world-class Jewish Museum, the   a croissant and coffee breakfast before an onward 4
      Old Town Hall and Petřín Tower with free entrance   hour train ride to Zürich. A night here at the Hotel  Begin with a Eurostar journey to Paris and TGV
      to more than 50 other attractions. We can pre-book   Montana is just a 10 minute walk from the city centre  service to Poitiers for an overnight stay before
      cruises and tours in advance.        and sights.                          continuing your route south to the thriving, grand
                                                                                coastal town of San Sebastian for a further 1-night
      A six hour rail journey, via Brno and Bratislava, to   Catch one of the many frequent trains to Chur next  stay. A scenic journey on the electrified metre gauge
      Budapest for a 3-night stay in the Royal Park Boutique   day for a 3-night stay at the charming Ambiente Hotel  EuskoTren links San Sebastian with Bilbao where
      Hotel – just a 5-minute metro ride from Budapest   Freieck in the centre of Chur and a very short walk  you stay for 2 nights at the Barceló Bilbao Nervión
      city centre with St. Stephen's Basilica and the famous   from the Art Museum, Cathedral and railway station.  and have time to explore this famous city using its
      Parliament  situated  on  the  banks  of  the  Danube.     Chur is the starting point for a return journey on  excellent metro system.  Spain’s FEVE metre gauge
      Discover Budapest over two full days with a Budapest   one of the most amazing railway routes in the world.  rail network leaves the splendid Bilbao Concordia
      Card that offers free use and access to the following   Spend a full day on board the Bernina Express train  station next day for Santander in time to enjoy this
      -    public  transport,  guided  Pest  and  Buda  walking   on the only North-South Alpine rail route into Italy  busy resort and stay overnight.  Next stop Gijon for
      tours, entry to the Lukács bath, 17 museums, journeys   which is not in tunnel.  Enjoy lunch in Tirano before  a further 1 night stay and time to relax on its wide
      on  the  Official  Budapest  Castle  bus  plus  discounts   once again experiencing the fabulous scenery, spirals  beach and explore the historic old town.  Continue
      on other baths, restaurants, sightseeing tours and   and tunnels as the train reaches an altitude of 2253m.  this  rail  tour,  passing  superb  coastal  scenery  and
      museums.  Danube cruises, sightseeing tours and meal   Spend a second day in Chur relaxing and enjoying its  fishing  villages,  to  Ferrol,  the  western  extremity  of
      reservations can be arranged in advance.  ‘Old Town’ or explore further afield on the UNESCO  FEVE, for 1 night.
                                           World Heritage Rhaetian Railways network including
      To Vienna next, less than 3 hours by train, for a   the picturesque ski resort of Arosa, beautiful all year  Head south next to Santiago de Compostela for a
      4-night  stay in the Novotel  Wien Hauptbahnhof,   round. All rail travel is included with an InterRail Pass.  2-night stay with plenty of time to relax and wander
      900 yards from Belvedere Palace and just over a                           the narrow streets and piazzas of this historic
      mile from the Vienna State Opera and Stadtpark.     Homebound rail return includes a further overnight  pilgrimage city with its famous Cathedral.  Go cross
      Explore with a Vienna Transport Ticket, valid on all   stay in Zürich with time to explore the city and a  country for an overnight stay in Leon with time to
      trams, buses and metro. We can book sightseeing   1-night stay in Cologne at the Ibis Köln am Dom hotel,  take in its historic sights before an afternoon journey
      excursions in advance including a visit to watch the   situated in the station complex directly opposite the  back to Bilbao, on a recently reopened 150 mile
      morning exercise of the legendary Lipizzaner horses   city’s impressive Cathedral.  Cologne’s Old Town can  line through spectacular moorland and mountain
      at the Spanish Riding School.  Return rail journey   easily be explored on foot and the River Rhine is a  scenery. After a night in Bilbao enjoy a leisurely day
      includes an overnight stay in Stuttgart before a day’s   5-minute walk away. Final rail journey is via Brussels  and overnight in San Sebastian before heading home
      train travel via Frankfurt, Brussels, Eurostar to London   to connect with Eurostar back to London.  via Hendaye and Paris to London. The itinerary can
      and home .                                                                be adapted to suit your own personal journey.
                                           This holiday includes first class rail travel as specified, a
      This holiday includes all rail travel in standard class,  first class 10 days in one month InterRail Pass, Bernina  Price includes all rail travel in standard class,
      accommodation in quality hotels on a bed & breakfast  Express supplement, accommodation in good quality  accommodation in good quality hotels on a bed &
      basis plus a Prague Public Transport Ticket, Prague Card,  hotels on a bed & breakfast basis and a private transfer  breakfast basis, Paris Metro transfers, a 15 day Global
      Budapest Card and Vienna Transport Ticket.  in Paris.                     InterRail Pass and excursions as indicated.

      Cost of holiday – 14 days from £2,345pp  Cost of holiday – 8 days from £1,840pp  Cost of holiday - 15 Days from £2,860pp
                                                                    Tel: 01766 512400  |  64
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