Page 72 - 2023 Brochure
P. 72

Booking Conditions

      Ffestiniog Travel is the trading name of Ffestiniog Railway Holdings Ltd. All references to   In the event of increases to any of the above, the Company shall be entitled to recover
      the ‘Company’ in these booking conditions refer to Ffestiniog Railway Holdings Ltd T/A   from the traveller any such increase up to 8% of the total price of the holiday excluding
      Ffestiniog Travel.                                        excursions and amendments. If the increase that you have to pay is more than 8% of the
                                                                total price of your confirmed holiday (excluding any amendment charges and/or additional
      1. All reservations are accepted subject to the Company’s booking conditions. Reservations   services or travel arrangements), you will have the option of cancelling the holiday and
      can be made online via our website, by completing the official Booking Form or via one of   having refunded all monies paid, less any amendment charges and/or additional services
      our authorised travel agents. By asking us to confirm your booking, we are entitled to assume   or travel arrangements which do not form part of your package. Should the price of your
      that the person who makes the booking has had the opportunity to (1) read our booking   holiday go down due to the changes mentioned above, then any refund due will be paid
      conditions and has agreed to these on behalf of everyone named on the booking, (2) is over   to you. However, please note that travel arrangements are not always purchased in local
      18 years of age, (3) consents to our use of information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.   currency and some apparent changes have no impact on the price of your travel due to
      A Confirmation Invoice will be issued upon receipt of the required deposit payment or full   contractual and other protection in place. There will be no change made to the price of
      payment (if booking within 70 days of departure). At this stage a contract between us comes   your confirmed holiday within 30 days of your departure nor will refunds be paid during
      into existence. You must check all documents we send you carefully as soon as you receive   this period.
      them as it may not be possible to make changes later. We cannot accept any liability if we
      are not notified of any inaccuracy (for which we are responsible) in any document within   7. All arrangements made for carriage, conveyance, refreshment or accommodation are
      14 days of our issuing it.                                subject to the conditions of the person or company providing the carriage, conveyance,
                                                                refreshment or accommodation and also are subject to the laws of the country in which
      2. The balance of the cost of your holiday must be paid no later than 70 days prior to   it is provided.
      If the balance is not paid by this time and no special arrangement has been made for late   8. In the event of insufficient bookings being received to enable the Company to qualify for
      payment, your booking will be cancelled and your deposit will not be refunded.   group travel concessions for escorted holidays, the Company reserves the right to cancel
      For all holidays without flights - All monies paid to one of our authorised travel agents   the tour. This will not normally be done less than eight weeks before departure. The liability
      for your booking with us will be held by the agent on your behalf until a contract between   of the Company is limited in such circumstances to a full refund of all monies paid. This
      us comes into existence. From this point your agent will hold the money on our behalf   condition does not apply to unescorted holidays.
      until payment is made to us. For all holidays with flights included, all monies paid to any
      authorised agent of ours will be held on behalf of and for the benefit of the Trustees of the   9. Prices are based on double room occupancy at hotels. If for any reason travellers are
      Air Travel Trust without any obligation to pay that money to us.       accommodated in single rooms, the appropriate single room supplement must be paid by
                                                                the traveller.
      3. Any deposit paid to the Company by the traveller shall not be repayable by the Company
      in circumstances where the travel arrangements are cancelled by the traveller. The deposit is   10. All transportation and accommodation is arranged by the Company upon the express
      repaid to the traveller in circumstances where the Company cancels the travel arrangements,   condition that it is liable only for the provision of services required for the performance of
      or where the travel arrangements are so altered by the Company that cancellation is offered   the contract and that such services shall offer a reasonable standard in relation to the cost
      to the traveller.                                         of the holiday.

      4. The Company may, without notice to the traveller, alter or substitute any route, method   11. The Company shall not be held liable for the death, bodily injury or illness of the
      of carriage, carrier or hotel reservation without any liability whatsoever, provided that the   signatory to the contract or of any other person nominated on the Booking Form, except
      Company gives its reasons for so doing and that such alterations shall neither increase the   when caused by the proven negligence or omission of its employees or those of its agents
      charge payable by the traveller nor be of a lower standard than the Company has contracted   or suppliers whilst acting within the scope of and in the course of their employment. The
      to provide to the traveller. In the event of a major change of itinerary being required, the   Company does not accept responsibility for services or facilities which are not part of its
      traveller will be informed of such a change as soon as it becomes necessary and offered   agreement or advertised in the brochure or on its website. E.g. Excursions booked whilst
      the alternative of a full refund, or transfer to another tour. A major change is defined as one   away or any service or facility which your hotel or other supplier agrees to provide for you.
      which the Company makes prior to departure involving changing the departure time by
      more than 24 hours or deleting a substantial part of the itinerary. If the traveller wishes to   12. The Company will take all reasonable care in making arrangements for transportation
      cancel as a result of such a change, this must be done in writing within 14 days of the date   and accommodation but does not own or operate the transportation and accommodation
      when such notice is sent. The liability of the Company is limited in such circumstances to a   suppliers referred to in the brochure. The Company accepts liability for acts or omissions
      full refund of all monies paid. Optional excursions do not form part of the itinerary in the   of the employees of these suppliers only in so far as such liability arises from its contractual
      context of this clause.                                   obligations and on the clear understanding that the traveller will make every effort to resolve
                                                                any problems during the course of the holiday. Unresolved problems must be reported to
      5. Changes made by you/Transfer of booking - If you decide to change any part of your   the Company in writing within 28 days of the completion of the holiday.
      confirmed booking up to 30 days before departure, we will do our best to assist but will pass
      on any charges for additional holiday costs incurred, including charges that may be incurred   13.  Where international  transportation services  by  land,  sea or  air are governed by
      for services cancelled. We reserve the right to make in addition an administration charge of   international conventions, the obligations and liabilities of the Company and its suppliers are
      £50 per person. Please note that not all changes may be possible. Any amendments must be   limited in the manner provided by such conventions.
      made in writing by the lead passenger on the booking.
      Transfer of booking – If any member of your party is unable to travel, you can transfer their   14. The contract and any claims arising shall be governed by English and Welsh law and all
      place to another suitable person for the same tour arrangements, dates and itinerary, if   proceedings shall be within the exclusive domain of the English and Welsh courts.
      that person satisfies the conditions applicable to the tour or excursion. Notification of the
      transfer is requested in writing at least 14 days before departure and must be accompanied   15.  Responsibility cannot be accepted for losses or additional expenses due to delay,
      by any tickets or vouchers already issued by us, full details of the person who is taking over   irregularity or change in air, rail, road, sea or other services, sickness, quarantine, strikes, war,
      the booking and the administration fee of £50 per name-change plus all charges levied by   weather or other causes.
      our suppliers arising from the transfer. You should be aware that some suppliers, particularly   However the Company will make every effort to give advice and assistance in such cases.
      airlines, may charge 100% cancellation fee and the cost of a new ticket. The person taking
      over the booking agrees to be bound by these Booking Conditions.   16. Consumer Protection - The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations
                                                                2018  require  us  to  provide  financial  protection  for  the  monies  that  you  pay,  including
      6. The price of the holiday is subject at all times to changes in:  repatriation if required, arising from cancellation or curtailment of your travel arrangements
      - the price of transportation resulting from the cost of fuel or other power sources; or   due to the insolvency of Ffestiniog Railway Holdings Ltd.
      - the level of taxes or fees applicable to the holiday imposed by third parties not directly   Holidays with flights included – your financial protection. All the flights and flight-inclusive
      involved in the performance of your holiday, including tourist taxes, landing taxes or   holidays in this brochure are financially protected by the ATOL scheme. Our ATOL
      embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports.  number is 3047.
                                                                When you buy an ATOL protected flight or flight inclusive holiday from us you will receive
                                                                an ATOL Certificate. This lists what is financially protected, where you can get information

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