Page 74 - 2023 Brochure
P. 74
Things you need to Know
Your Financial Protection
All the flights and flight-inclusive holidays in this brochure are financially protected by the ATOL scheme. When you pay you will be supplied with an
ATOL Certificate. Please ask for it and check to ensure that everything you booked (flights, hotels and other services) is listed on it. Please see our
booking conditions for further information or for more information about financial protection and the ATOL Certificate go to:
Non-air packages are protected by our Association of Bonded Travel Organisers’ Trust Ltd Bond.
(For full details please see booking condition number 16 on pages 67 & 68)
Greece, Hong Kong, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mexico,
To book a holiday, please fill in the forms on pages 70 & 71, remembering to complete both sides and send Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, New
it to us with the deposit shown in the price box for the holiday chosen. Please note all escorted tours Zealand, Peru, Romania, Singapore, South Africa,
featured in this brochure are also available to book online at For unescorted Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine or Uzbekistan.
holidays, we will ask you for further payment as soon as we commit to various advance purchase tickets ■ In the case of Australia, Canada and the USA,
on your behalf for flights, train tickets etc. These are non-refundable and so it is important that your UK citizens may enter the country with an ETA
travel insurance is in place at this stage. An invoice will be sent to you for the balance of money due or ESTA authorisation. This is required even for
about 12 weeks in advance of travel, for payment 10 weeks before the holiday start date. During these transit and must be applied for in advance of
last 10 weeks, we will be paying large sums on your behalf which we will be unable to reclaim and your travel. Applications can be made online. Please
commitment is therefore vital during this period. visit for details
of how to apply. Ffestiniog Travel will be happy to
What the Price Includes never aspire to a higher rating because they cannot assist you with your application upon request (£20
fee applicable). ‘Please be aware that, for entry on
■ Standard class rail travel with seat reservations as ‘tick all the boxes.’ an ETA or ESTA, all travellers must now hold a
appropriate (first class is included where shown). Biometric passport (also known as an e-Passport)
■ Economy (or equivalent) class on scheduled flights Health Precautions and with an integrated chip.
as appropriate from London Heathrow, Gatwick Immunisations Recommended ■ Visas are required for visits to Azerbaijan, Belarus
or Stansted (other airports by arrangement for You are advised to visit the National Travel Health (even for transit), Cambodia, China, India, Japan,
escorted and unescorted holidays). Please be Network and Centre’s website at: Jordan, Russia, Mongolia, Vietnam, Egypt and Sri
aware that, in the case of escorted holidays, if for up to date health advice for the country you are Lanka. Advice will be given when booking a holiday.
you choose to fly from a regional airport or go visiting. We also recommend that you visit your GP
by rail and, for some reason (e.g. weather) the for an independent assessment no less than 6 weeks Please note that it is your responsibility to
main group is unable to fly, you will arrive at your prior to departure. ensure that you have the correct Visas/forms
destination without your tour leader and may For European tours you should obtain the Global required for the destination you are visiting.
incur additional hotel or transport costs until you Health Insurance Card (GHIC) which is available free Advice will be provided by Ffestiniog Travel
meet the group. Flight upgrades may be available of charge from Please apply in good prior to your departure.
upon request. time to ensure receipt of the card prior to departure.
■ Sleeping berths on overnight trains where Do note, the GHIC is not a substitute for travel Airlines Used for Ffestiniog Travel Holidays
applicable. insurance. Existing EHIC cards remain valid until We use scheduled services provided by major
■ Bed and breakfast appropriate to the country their expiration. GHIC cards are not valid in Iceland, airlines. The arrangements are not definite at the
being visited. For USA and Canada it is unusual Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland. time of printing and we cannot give you any firm
for breakfast to be included but it is becoming information about the airlines or the type of aircraft
more common for hotels to provide a very simple Please note it is your responsibility to ensure you on which you will travel.
continental breakfast. are aware of all recommended vaccinations and
■ All transfers on escorted tours where stated. health precautions in good time prior to departure. Extensions to Escorted Tours
If you participate in one of our escorted tours and you
Transfers on unescorted tours by individual This is most important when travelling to tropical would like to extend your holiday, we recommend
arrangement. destinations.
■ Local and airport taxes where applicable. that you do so at the end of the escorted tour, rather
than at the beginning. This eliminates the risk of your
COVID Guidelines
What the Price Excludes For all COVID related queries please visit - https:// being ready to join an escorted group tour which
■ Single room supplements – we charge these at is unable to depart the UK due to, for example, a
cost. guidelines volcanic ash cloud, airline or train strike action,
■ Lunch and evening meals except where indicated extreme weather conditions etc.
in the itineraries. Use of Rover Tickets
■ Passport, visa and personal expenses. Where tours are based on rover tickets such as Rail and Flight Upgrades
Upgrades may be available for your holiday. Please let
■ Rail tickets to and from London or other joining InterRail, availability and validity are based on the us know at the time of booking if you would like to
points mentioned in the itinerary except where best information at the time of going to press. These receive a quotation.
shown (we can supply these upon request). are outside the control of Ffestiniog Travel and are
therefore subject to change. Acknowledgements: Our thanks for assistance and
Hotels photographs to our tour leaders, Ffestiniog travellers,
Generally, we use good quality, medium sized Passport and Visa Information tourist offices, railways, other organisations and
hotels (the equivalent of 3-star rating) with private (Applicable to British Citizens) individuals who have helped us to plan the holidays
facilities. Inevitably, the choice of hotels is limited in ■ A full British passport is required for all non UK and helped put this brochure together.
some remote areas and here we would use the holidays in this brochure. Please allow at least 6
‘best available’. Sometimes, we use 4 or even 5-star weeks and preferably three months for issue and Speak to Us
hotels where we can take advantage of good offers renewal. If you have a problem, if you do not understand
or contract prices. Please remember that hotels are ■ Many countries stipulate that passports must be anything or want to know more, contact us and we
often rated in official guide books by their facilities valid for at least six months beyond the date of will be pleased to help.
and not their quality. We have come across, and your intended visit. Telephone: 01766 512400
occasionally use, some amazingly clean, comfortable ■ Visas are not required for holiday visits to Albania, Email:
and good value 2-star establishments which can Argentina, Armenia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Georgia, website:
69 Over 45 Years of Unforgettable Rail Journeys