Page 73 - 2023 Brochure
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on what this means for you and who to contact if things go wrong. 20. No tickets or other documents or vouchers will be released by the Company unless and
We, or the suppliers identified on your ATOL Certificate, will provide you with the until the full balance of the cost, as confirmed, shall have been paid to the Company. Such
services listed on the ATOL Certificate (or a suitable alternative). In some cases, where cost will be detailed to you in the final invoice.
neither we nor the supplier are able to do so for reasons of insolvency, an alternative
ATOL holder may provide you with the services you have bought or a suitable alternative 21. Data Protection. In agreeing to these booking conditions, you acknowledge that we will
(at no extra cost to you). You agree to accept that in those circumstances the alternative collect personal information which is relevant to your holiday, including items related to diet
ATOL holder will perform those obligations and you agree to pay any money outstanding or health. These may be passed on to suppliers, often abroad, to enable them to deliver the
to be paid by you under your contract to that alternative ATOL holder. However, you also service required. We undertake not to pass on this information for any purpose other than
agree that in some cases it will not be possible to appoint an alternative ATOL holder, in in the provision of your holiday.
which case you will be entitled to make a claim under the ATOL scheme (or your credit
card issuer where applicable). 22. Health, Fitness and Luggage - It is the traveller’s responsibility at the time of booking to
If we, or the suppliers identified on your ATOL certificate, are unable to provide the provide the Company with full and accurate details of mobility, health and fitness and to
services listed (or a suitable alternative, through an alternative ATOL holder or otherwise) notify the Company of any changes between booking the holiday and the date of travel.
for reasons of insolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust may make a payment to (or We are required by law to notify airlines of clients with reduced mobility including people
confer a benefit on) you under the ATOL scheme. You agree that in return for such a with walking difficulties, broken limbs, also pregnant women. If your health, mobility, level of
payment or benefit you assign absolutely to those Trustees any claims which you have or fitness or conduct before or during a holiday is endangering or appears likely to endanger
may have arising out of or relating to the non-provision of the services, including any claim your health or wellbeing or any third party (including any other clients of the company) or
against us, the travel agent (or your credit card issuer where applicable). You also agree that the safe, comfortable or happy progress of the holiday, you may be excluded from all or
any such claims may be re-assigned to another body, if that other body has paid sums you part of the holiday and we may treat your holiday as cancelled at that moment. In these
have claimed under the ATOL scheme. For more information about financial protection circumstances the Company’s obligations to the traveller shall cease, full cancellation charges
and the ATOL Certificate go to: shall apply and the Company shall not be liable for any refund, compensation or other costs.
ATOL protection does not apply to all holiday and travel services listed in this brochure. Please note that the Company’s rights in connection with the above may be exercised by
For more information about financial protection for those holidays that are not ATOL the Tour Leader at the start of the escorted holiday or even during the holiday itself. Please
protected please see below. note also that the Tour Leader cannot provide individual assistance with handling luggage.
Holidays without flights included – The Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust
Limited (ABTOT) provides financial protection under The Package Travel and Linked Travel 23. Security and Safety – Whilst Ffestiniog Travel would never take you or encourage you to
Arrangements Regulations 2018 for Ffestiniog Travel – Membership No: 5220, and in the travel to a country which the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office had declared to be
event of their insolvency, protection is provided for: unsafe to visit, many places in the world, including the UK, are now on the ‘be aware’ list. You
• Non-flight packages. are advised to visit from time to time before your holiday
ABTOT cover provides for a refund in the event you have not yet travelled or repatriation to receive the latest travel advice.
if transportation was included in your package. Please note that bookings made outside 24. Passport, Visas and Other Entry Requirements - Please note that it is your responsibility
the UK are only protected by ABTOT when purchased directly with Ffestiniog Travel. to ensure that you and everyone in your party has the necessary documentation before
In the unlikely event that you require assistance whilst abroad due to our financial failure, departure. We do not accept responsibility if you cannot travel because you have not
please call our 24/7 helpline on 01702 811397 and advise you are a customer of an complied with any passport, visa or immigration requirements. Details of passport and visa
ABTOT protected travel company. requirements can be found on Page 69 of this brochure.
You can access The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018
here: 25. Insurance - It is strongly recommended that you purchase suitable and adequate travel
N.B. Neither of the above bonds can be used to reimburse the costs of other insurance cover for the duration of your holiday and that you provide Ffestiniog Travel with
expenses such as travel insurance, visas, vaccinations etc. In order to adequately meet the details required. Each holiday in the brochure includes the day of departure and the day
its responsibilities under the law, the Company may, in the case of tailor made holidays, of return and this is the period to be used for insurance purposes. Please ensure that the
require to specify the airline, hotels or other suppliers used in the package. travel insurance policy is suitable for your needs.
Please note that the sale of individual elements such as rail tickets, ferries, flights or
accommodation only does not constitute a package in terms of the The Package Travel and
Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018. However flights are protected financially by
the ATOL licence and “accommodation only” is protected financially by the ABTOT bond.
17. If you have a dispute with your tour operator which you are unable to resolve, you may
call upon the low cost AITO Independent Dispute Settlement Service (details on request).
Claims which exceed £2,500 per person or £10,000 per booking form, or claims which
apply principally or exclusively in respect of (or as a consequence of) illness or physical injury
are not admissible for settlement under the service.
18. Cancellation of a booking is effective only when received in writing by the Company.
Cancellation fees are applicable as follows:
More than 10 weeks’ notice ........ ........ ....... ......... ......... ........ ........ .loss of deposit
70 to 42 days’ notice .... ......... ....... ......... ........ ......... ..50% of the cost of the holiday
41 – 15 days’ notice .... ......... ....... ......... ........ ......... ...90% of the cost of the holiday
LESS than 15 days’ notice ......... ........ ........ ........ .......100% of the cost of the holiday
In the event of the Company being able to resell the cancelled place or obtain refunds from
its suppliers, the Company may be able to waive some or all of these charges and will look
at each case on its merits. It is important to note however that some suppliers make an
administrative charge on such occasions and some, especially transport providers, disallow
cancellations and name changes completely.
19. A fee of £50 per booking will be charged for each amendment to a confirmed booking.
This charge will not be levied until both the customer and the Company have agreed the
final itinerary i.e. it will not be charged to customers who have made a booking and paid a Couple Relaxing On Train Journey
deposit pending discussion on the details of the itinerary. Please note amendments cannot
be accommodated less than 30 days before departure.
Tel: 01766 512400 | 68